Aircraft In India with Operator and Call Sign Details
Operator and Call Sign Details :Indian Aviation is increasing day by day. It has a huge potential for air travel. Everybody wish to know the details of Operator and Call Sign Details.This tutorial will guide you in finding the details of all the aircrafts which are registered in India.
You will be able to know the Operator and Call Sign Details as follows :
- Name of Operator
- Type of Aircraft
- Seating Capacity of the aircraft
- Description of the aircraft or helicopter like : Single Engine or Multi Engine, Piston,Turbo Prop or Jet Engine .
- YOM -Year Of Manufacturing of the aircraft
- Category of Service like Scheduled, Private,Training or Non Scheduled.
- Serial No of the aircraft.
- Owner and Operator Details.
- All Up Weight of Aircraft.
Follow these steps for knowing the Operator and Call Sign Details :
Step 1 : Visit the website of Indian Regulator DGCA . On the right hand panel you will find Know your Aircraft before you fly. This will let you know the Operator and Call Sign Details

Step 2 : After clicking on that link you will find a screen as follows . If you wish to know about a particular aircraft you can inset the call sign and click on “Search”. If you wish to know about all the Operator and Call Sign Details, click on “SEARCH” without inserting any details.

Step 3 : This will give you details of all the aircraft which are registered in DGCA in India. As of now, there are 1652 aircraft which are registered in India. You can view all the aircraft along with operator and other details.
Step 4: If you wish to know further details about a particular aircraft like registration No,All Up weight, Owner and Operator Details along with its serial no than click on the particular call sign.This will help in getting entire details about a aircraft.

You can always use this tool when you are flying by a charter aircraft or getting a new aircraft. You can count the number of aircraft of particular type .This might help you in getting detailed information. Click on ( CTRL+F) and type the name of aircraft. In this way you will be able to count the number of aircrafts. This is the ultimate way for getting Operator and Call Sign Details.
Click here if you wish to know the charter operators in India.
Very Informative..!~!!
Thank U so much..!!