AIX Connect Lucknow-Kolkata flight aborts take off after bird-hit

The recent news of a Kolkata-bound AIX Connect plane aborting its take-off at Lucknow airport due to a bird hit has raised several questions about aviation safety. It is reported that the A320 aircraft VT-RED was involved in a “reject take-off due to a bird strike”. And, post-flight inspection revealed damage to four blades. This incident has surely caused a lot of inconvenience to the 147 passengers onboard the flight.

aix connect

Aviation safety is of utmost importance and bird strikes are a common threat to it. Birds and aircraft often share the same airspace which can put both of them in danger. A bird strike can lead to serious damage to the aircraft, cause loss of life and property and even lead to aircraft crashes. Bird strikes occur when a flying bird collides with an aircraft. The bird strike on the AIX Connect plane is an example of how these kinds of incidents can cause disruption in air travel.

It is the responsibility of the airline to ensure the safety of its passengers and crew. AIX Connect has taken the right steps to address this incident. The airline has grounded the aircraft for detailed inspection and is making efforts to mitigate the impact on the other scheduled operations. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has also taken note of this incident and is keeping a close watch on the developments.

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