Alliance Air pilots end strike after 48 hours; airline resumes normal operations

After a group of pilots went on strike for the past two days to protest against various issues, including the non-payment of allowances and the failure to restore salaries to pre-COVID levels, Alliance Air announced that flight operations have returned to normal. Around 70-80 pilots participated in the strike on Monday and Tuesday. According to Vineet Sood, the CEO of Alliance Air, negotiations with the pilots regarding their grievances are ongoing, and the pilots have returned to work.

Alliance Air’s CEO Vineet Sood confirmed on Wednesday that pilots have resumed work, and flight operations have returned to normal. The pilots went on strike for two days, protesting non-payment of allowances, among other issues, and the failure to restore salaries to pre-COVID levels. Negotiations with the pilots are currently ongoing, according to Sood.

Alliance Air
alliance air

Alliance Air has released a statement stating that its flights experienced major disruptions due to a large number of pilots reporting sick over the last two days. The statement has confirmed that operations have now returned to normal, and flights are operating as per schedule.

The airline has reportedly issued notices to the striking pilots, asking them to resume their duties. According to sources, Alliance Air has approximately 200 pilots and operates 130 flights daily. The striking pilots caused at least 70 flights affect on Tuesday.

Alliance Air, which was previously a part of the now-privatized Air India, is a state-owned airline.

The airline has also announced that it will be waiving cancellation charges and offering full refunds to passengers who had their flights canceled during the strike.

Alliance Air, a subsidiary of Air India, operates flights to over 50 destinations in India and is a popular choice for passengers traveling to remote and inaccessible regions of the country.

The end of the strike will come as a relief to many passengers who were stranded due to canceled flights. Moreover, it is hoped that the airline will take steps to address the concerns raised by the pilots and that such strikes will not be repeated in the future.

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