In an unexpected turn of events, an Air India flight en route to Vancouver was compelled to return to Delhi shortly after takeoff on Friday due to a technical glitch. The national carrier reported that the Boeing 777 aircraft, operating as flight AI185, landed safely back in the Indian capital due to a technical issue.
In a surprising turn of events, budget airline Go First has announced the cancellation of all its flights until May 30, 2023. The airline initially had flights canceled until May 28 but extended the cancellation period due to “operational reasons.” This unfortunate development has left many passengers stranded and inconvenienced, sparking concerns and questions about
Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh – In a significant development for the state of Uttar Pradesh, Union Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia announced on Friday that air services from Kanpur to Delhi will soon commence. The announcement came during the inauguration ceremony of the new terminal building at Kanpur Airport. Scindia revealed that the government has plans
Kanpur Airport’s new terminal building On May 26, an exciting event unfolded as Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia came together to inaugurate the impressive new terminal building of Kanpur Airport. The unveiling of the state-of-the-art terminal, amidst much anticipation, marked a significant milestone in the region’s aviation infrastructure.
On Thursday, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), the aviation regulator, provided a 30-day extension to Go First, an airline facing financial difficulties, to present a detailed plan for the revitalization of its operations. Earlier this week, the airline clarified that they currently lack a specific timeline for resuming their services. Go First, a
Mangaluru, May 26, 2023 – A Dubai-bound Indigo aircraft, which was preparing for take-off on the runway of Mangaluru International Airport (MIA), encountered a bird strike, leading to the cancellation of the flight. The incident occurred on Thursday morning at approximately 8:30 am, causing the pilot to immediately alert the Air Traffic Control (ATC) and
IndiGo’s Chandigarh to Ahmedabad flight encountered an unexpected situation during its landing on Monday, as strong tailwinds affected the aircraft’s approach. However, the flight crew swiftly responded to the situation, executing a go-around maneuver before successfully completing the landing a short while later. The incident highlights the critical role played by pilots in ensuring passenger
The head of operations at crisis-hit airline Go First informs the staff that the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA), the aviation regulator, will assess their readiness and conduct an audit before granting approval for the resumption of flights. Go First, facing financial difficulties, halted its flight operations on May 3 and is currently undergoing
On Wednesday, the Ministry of Civil Aviation introduced UDAN 5.1 with the aim of bolstering connectivity to remote regions in the country and establishing vital links through helicopter services. This round of RCS-UDAN marks a significant milestone as it exclusively focuses on helicopter routes. According to an official statement by the ministry, “UDAN 5.1 permits
India’s Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, recently held a significant interaction with a delegation from Boeing, one of the world’s leading aerospace companies. The delegation, led by Boeing President Salil Gupte, included their global senior leadership team. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss India’s aviation market potential and the opportunities it presents for both