Civil Aviation Summary for July 2014

Civil Aviation

The present time in Indian Civil Aviation is extremely important. Next two years in Civil Aviation will change the aspects of aviation in India. Air Connectivity is a key point in developing any Nation. Here is the Monthly Summary for the month of July,2014

1. Important Policy decisions taken and major achievements during the month of July 2014:

(A) Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA):-

 Four (4) Civil Aviation Requirements (CARs) have been issued
during the Month of July including CAR, Section 8 Series H Part-I
Commercial Helicopters Operations, which brings together the
requirements for Commercial Helicopter Operations in one CAR.
 A decision has been taken by DGCA to conduct Engineering Audit
of the Spice Jet Airlines.
 During the month of July, 2014 a total Three (03) significant
occurrences and a total Sixty Five (65) bird hit incidents have been
reported in DGCA.
 During the month, 306 licenses/ rating of various categories were
issued including 40 FATA.

(B) Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS): –

 During the month of July, 2014 Bureau of Civil Aviation Security
(BCAS) officers conducted Thirty Nine (39) Dummy Checks.
 The BCAS Training Faculty organized Twenty One (21) Basic
AVSEC Programmes, Five (05) ILBS and Twelve (12) Screener
 The BCAS team visited Seventeen (17) airports for security audits
& inspections.
 Surprise check of security arrangements at Thirty Nine (39)
airports were carried out.

(C)Airports Authority of India (AAI):-

A Cabinet Note for declaration of Bhopal, Indore and Raipur
Airports as International Airport has been sent to Cabinet
Secretariat for consideration.
 The Airports Authority of India (AAI) has earned a profit of
Rs.91.81 crores after deduction of tax during the month of July,


(D)Air India Limited:-

Air India has formally joined Star Alliance on 11th July, 2014. Air
India will be able to offer more itinerary choices to its passengers
covering 1,269 destinations in 193 countries around the world.
 Air India has commenced its services to Moscow, Russia from 18th
 Air India successfully evacuated 46 Indian Nurses, 134 Indian
workers and 3 children from Iraq in its special flight on July 4-5,


(E) Pawan Hans Limited (PHL):

The Pawan Hans Limited (PHL) has earned a net profit of Rs. 3.69
crores after deduction of tax during the month July, 2014.


(F) Aviation Ministry :

A special drive has been undertaken to weed out of the old files/record from 4.00 to 5.30 P.M. on every Wednesdays by all the
Divisions under this Ministry. During the month of July, 2014,461 files have been sent to record room, 5343 files have been
weeded out. In addition, 576 files have been digitized. Channel of submission has been reviewed to keep maximum four levels of
submission and new Office Order has been issued. Punctuality has improved considerably with the installation of Bio-metric system.
All Divisional Heads are also monitoring the attendance of their respective Divisions. The entire office building has now been Wi-Fi enabled since July 27, 2014. In consultation with all Divisions, a revised Record and Retention Scheduled has been finalized. More
than 15 Trucks of malba/ junk material has been removed as a part of the cleaning drive.



2. Important policy matter held up on account of prolonged  inter ministerial consultations :

A Meeting under the Chairmanship of Secretary (MoCA) was held
to finalize the draft guidelines of AFS with the representative of
Department of Commerce, Ministry of Finance (CBEC), AAI,


3. Compliance of CoS decisions:


No. of CoS decisions pending for compliance-1 (one) Special Extra Section Flight- VVIP Operations with Boeing 747-400.
Proposed action plan/ time lines for compliance of  CoS decisions.——None

Remarks —As per CoS decision, it was to be implemented in consultation with SPG and SPG has raised safety issue which is being sorted out.


4. No. of cases of ‘sanction for prosecution’ pending for more than three

5. Particulars of cases in which there has been a departure from the
Transaction of Business Rules or established policy of the Government:


6Status of implementation of e-Governance:
Total No. of files—343*

Total No. of e-files– Data quantity- 323 Gb
* This figure is in respect of Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi, an
Autonomous Body of M/o Civil Aviation.

 E Governance system is at its final stage and likely to be implemented by
end of this month in DGCA*
 With reference to Ministry of Information & Broadcasting D.O. letter
dated 26.06.2014 regarding e-Governance, data in respect of 42,788
employees of Ministry of Civil Aviation and its attached offices & PSUs
has been collected and sent to NIC for uploading the same.



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