Coimbatore Airport Security Thwarts Fraudulent Passport Scheme After Man Fails to Sing National Anthem

It was a shocking incident that happened at Coimbatore Airport in Tamil Nadu on Monday. A Bangladeshi national was detained by the airport authorities after he failed to sing the Indian National Anthem. The accused, identified as Anwar Husain, had been staying in India on the basis of a fake passport.


The incident happened after the immigration officer asked the man to produce his birth certificate and a passport issued by the Government of India. After he did so, the officer asked him to sing the Indian National Anthem as a test. Unfortunately, the accused was unable to do so.

The immigration officer then filed a complaint with Peelamedu Police and the accused was detained. Upon investigation, it was found that the passport was a fake one and the man was identified as 28-year-old Anwar Hussain from Bangladesh.

Police have initiated an investigation to find out how the man was able to fake the documents. The incident highlights the importance of security checks at airports and the need for increased vigilance.

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