Future of Aviation in India – What will happen ?
The future of Indian Aviation Industry is bright. India is set to become one of the top five aviation markets by 2020. The latest report on civilaviation, reveals an all-round improvement in air traffic. The number of passengers as also the volume of goods and mails carried by airplanes during the period shows an appreciable improvement over those of the last decade.
The Aviation sector is expected to witness huge surge in investments from private sector players. The number of aircraft is expected to touch 800 by 2020. The low penetration ratio (0.04 per capita/p.a) provides immense opportunity for investment in aviation sector.
Aviation being not only a very important form of peacetime communication but also a vital part of the defense organization, the State cannot remain indifferent to its development along proper lines.
This progressive expansion may be expected to continue, and a time may come, not at a very distant future, when aeroplanes will be ever more popular, and become, the normal means of communication. The idea of one world, therefore, may not long remain an empty slogan but will be a concrete reality in the foreseeable future.
India has to rely on foreign sources for the supply of crude petroleum. If India is to develop aviation services as also other major industries, she must be self-sufficient in fuel supply.
In a vast country like India, with very suitable weather conditions all the year round, the possibilities of aviation are immense and the Government may be expected to take suitable measures for helping the growth of this important industry, so that it may play its part in the all-round development which India is planning for her people.