IndiGo Flight Disrupted by Intoxicated Passenger’s Unruly Behavior

On 26th March, an IndiGo flight from Guwahati had an unruly drunk passenger who vomited and defecated in the aisle. Bhaskar Dev Konwar, a senior counsel at Guwahati High Court, highlighted the incident and pointed out the similar behavior of other passengers in the past year. In the meantime, the flight attendants cleaned the area to avoid a foul smell.

Along with the incident, Konwar tweeted a photo of a female crew member who was clearing up the mess. He applauded the women on the flight for handling the situation exceptionally well and praised their girl power. The crew member in the picture can be seen wearing gloves and a mask, using cleaning spray and tissue paper to wipe the spot where the passenger vomited.


After his tweet went viral, Twitter users criticized the glorification of the flight attendant’s actions under the guise of ‘girl power’ as incomprehensible.

One user expressed that the flight crew appeared to be victims in this situation and that glorifying their actions as “girl power” was beyond their understanding. They compared it to calling manual scavengers heroes instead of acknowledging that they are victims of corruption.

Another user commented on the same post, suggesting that there should be breath analyzer tests for flight passengers due to the mess they are creating on flights lately.

However, an unruly passenger caused the situation, as acknowledged by another user. A toddler or an older patient could also cause it. They suggested that the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DCGA) should ensure that wet vacuum cleaners are available on board flights to avoid the flight crew having to clean up by hand.

Months after an Air India New York-Delhi flight saw an incident where a passenger, allegedly under the influence of alcohol, urinated on an elderly woman, another unfortunate event occurred. This latest incident involves a different passenger and has taken place recently. It is important to note that the earlier incident in November 2022 led to the arrest of Shankar Mishra. He releases on bail.

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