Process of Class 2 medical for Indian DGCA Pilot license

Class 2 medical is the most basic and the first step towards a pilots career. its required for you to get an SPL(Student Pilot License) and to join a flying school.different people chose different times on when to get their class 2 medical done .

For Eg: some do it initially before stepping onto anything else in aviation career which i personally would recommend, reason is that you would at least know if you’re fit to be a pilot without wasting anymore time ,money and energy into it.

some does it after clearing their DGCA exams as for them they want to see if they can actually make through the exams and piloting is really for them or not. for this you’ll have to go through rest of the process too please check the links below and

What ever is your reason or how ever you want to get done here is the complete process on how to get your class 2 medical done

1.visit DGCA website and go thorugh the list of Dgca examiners. once you find the doctor around you call them and fix an appointment for your self

Class 2 medical

2.The Fees for the class to examination will be Rs 3500/- and he/she will be conducting few tests like Blood,urine,BMI (body mass index),ECG, Blood pressure, chest Xray ,Eye test and the Hearing test.

there is a possibility that the doctor might refer and send you to a couple of diagnostic centres for most of these tests to be carried out except for a physical test which he will be doing . in this case you will have to get the testes done, collect your reports and visit back the doctor along with 4-5 passport size photographs.

3.the doctor checks all your reports and will make you fill out four CA 35 and one CA 34 form from which you will receive one CA 35 form as your acknowledgement and rest of the papers will be couriered and will be sent to DGCA Delhi by the doctor itself.

4.It might take approximately 4 weeks to reach DGCA.once your medical documents reaches DGCA a file will be prepared on your respective name and you will receive a file number.This file has all your details and will be lasting with you for the rest of your time in aviation career.

5.Another 4 weeks from receiving your file number you will be posted your medical Assessment on your permanent address. with this you can now start your Initial flying till your Cpl for which you will be needing class 1 .good luck !


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